Posts Tagged consciousness shift

Victory on the Horizon?

First of all, I re-uploaded the 2 last videos on Rumble: Boost Meditation and The Freedom Convoy Is a Juggernaut.

Second, I really have to ask the question. With all the consciousness work many are doing, why are we down to a point where we rely on truckers to come in and save the day? And other organizers that have absolutely nothing to do with anything spiritual.

Third, it’s not a complaint or anything, but an observation. Hundreds of thousands of people are fighting back for their freedom. Tons of people publish videos daily and easily get 5K views, or anywhere from 1K to 500K views. After fighting this war for over 10 years, I published 2 of the most important and relevant videos ever, mail them out to over 2000 people, and all I get is 250 views at best. Why?

These 2 things say a lot about the state of consciousness of our population, and numbers don’t lie. Only 250 people WORLDWIDE are ready to hear the truth and address the situation at the highest level!?? Out of that, perhaps a dozen will take action. As I said in the video, if a dozen people put it into action, then we’re in business. But still.

First question I want to look into. Where have the personal growth influencers, spiritual healers/leaders and coaches been for the past 2 years?

When I tune into it, coaches have been 99% focused on clients and money, completely disregarding the situation in the world. Across the board, …Read More

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Interview: World Updates, Mexico Roadtrip (August ’21)

I’m just back from 6 weeks traveling across Mexico. If I got problems that I can’t solve, then better go travel to change the energies and have a good time. As you know, there’s been a lot going on during the past 2 months; and a lot more coming soon.

Here are my updates on the whole situation.

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Coronavirus Is Gone

Here’s some good news and bad news. First, the good news. I’ve been the first to call out on the Coronavirus before anyone else started paying attention. Again, I’m the first one to call out that the Coronavirus is 100% dead in all timelines. Gone. End of story. Let’s move on to the next chapter shall we?

Now, for the bad news, I’ve been compiling the accurate population count and death count for 2020. The numbers are very surprising. The population was 4.5 billion, and we lost 1.03 billion in 2020, which is 22.9% of the world population.

The amount of direct coronavirus deaths are higher than I would have expected, and indirect deaths are lower than I thought. It’s all the other causes of death that are more worrying, and are signs of what’s coming. For example, the military is killing its own people in China, France and Australia.

Here’s some info about the demographics of deaths. The majority of deaths are unemployed and lonely, so nobody would notice.

Men: 50.1%
Women: 49.9%
Unemployed: 92.5%
Lonely: 80.3%
0-15: 2.1%
16-30: 26.3%
31-50: 43.3%
>51: 28.3%

Furthermore, some people have been killed and replaced by shapeshifting non-humans. Here’s an idea of the non-humans among us.

Swapped soul with a human: 14.6%
Killed human and replaced with fake: 4.2%
Other non-humans in human cities: 6.2%

As for Coronavirus deaths in December, we’re expecting 14 deaths worldwide (lingering damage).

I’ll be producing a video soon with more details about all this.

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Energetic Infection and US Election Take-Over

As you probably know, Joe Biden is trying to steal the US elections with corruption. At the same time, we’re dealing with a huge energetic infection push Universe-wide. Those two are directly related. The forces trying to overthrow Trump are the ones pushing the energetic infection agenda.

The energetic infection is an emerald green energy emanating from the Black Cubes that have been corrupted. It is a corruption of the Rays of Creation. The cubes were created to prevent various parties for fighting to control the root of the Rays of Creation… but the Cubes eventually got corrupted anyway. The Emerald Snake with golden eyes guarding it is dead. We’re dealing with the Cubes and the infection.

They are basically hijacking the original rays of creation to corrupt the ascension codes. Even in Royal Alchemy, the Emerald Green sceptre used to re-organize energies is corrupted. The Orion constellation doesn’t seem to be affected by this corruption of the rays though.

This is an operation that has been planned for a very long time, with agents infiltrating all important communities, including the P2P group, and they know exactly what they’re doing.

Now, this energetic infection completely takes over your will and discernment. If you ask questions about this and can’t see clearly, that’s a big red flag.

Furthermore, it feeds you with power, but not your own, so you may be feeling even better with this infection growing. That’s why many will reject the truth.

It infects all the dimensions up to 25D. Crystals are very vulnerable …Read More

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How Is Social Engineering Affecting You?

I’m slowly rebirthing from the ashes, stronger than ever. The various groups are finally starting to learn to take their distance — because they’re completely disintegrating from the 80th Dimension. I’m expecting a few more waves of attacks but they’ll run out of fuel pretty soon.

Meanwhile, I’m sensing 75 people who stepped up to take my previous roles, and many more in the year to come. I asked myself: what do these people need now? What would help them step up to the roles needed of them?

Inspiration then came a few days ago: removing the influence of social engineering. Social engineering is everywhere around you, in your daily life, and takes 90% of Lightworkers right out of the game of ascension.

So, I’m going to produce a new program called: Disarm Social Engineering. Already, I’ve been seeing a lot of interest from clients on Facebook.

I’m still in early design stage of designing the program, and you will get more details about it soon. I want to keep it at a low $97 price point, with a video program that is easy to follow and digest. 7 modules of 3 videos each.

By going through those simple videos, it will greatly strengthen your character and seal energy leaks so that you can stay focused on your own path.

Here’s the program structure that I have designed so far.

Module 1. Social Engineering 101: See Where It Affects You
– History Repeats Itself: Understand the Past to See the Truth
– It’s Everywhere: Lift the Veils to See …Read More

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