God is a universal presence that operates by laws. It doesn’t have a personality of its own. Out of all these laws, there is The Prime Law, which happens to not be a law but a series of 3 principle. It goes like this.
The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily.
Law #1: No person, group of person or government shall initiate force, threat of force or fraud against any individual self, property or contract.
Law #2: Force is morally and legally justified only to protect against those who violate Law #1.
Law #3: No exception shall exist for law 1 and 2.
This means that by law, God doesn’t impose these laws onto us, but also by law, it reflects back to us the consequences of our actions. These are not laws of God itself as we have freedom of choice to life by these principles or not. Rather, these are laws to live by and apply ourselves to align with God.
Living by The Prime Law puts you in alignment with God, gives you divine protection, and by aligning with the Universe, the Universe aligns with you. God doesn’t have a personality and thus cannot answer your requests and prayers. It operates by laws, and the way to get its support is by aligning with it.
No spiritual freedom can exist without living by The Prime Law.
Compromising on your truth, or letting others compromise your life, then violates The Prime Law.
This sums up the whole foundation of my work in 3 simple principles! If you don’t want to live by these 3 laws, then my work isn’t for you. The path of the Alchemist requires dedication to living according to the principles of the Universe. If you’re not willing to follow those laws, then don’t tackle it at all.
Here’s where this gets interesting. I started thinking about where The Prime Law gets violated, and I realized: EVERYWHERE! Imposing one’s beliefs and values onto others is deeply ingrained into our culture, to the point that if you break the status-quo to live life on your own terms and achieve great things in the world, you’ll get attacked, not just by strangers but also by “spiritually conscious” people, as well as friends and family closest to you.
Very few are interested in The Prime Law because breaking those laws is not only an integral part of their values system and way of life, but our society is also shaped according to enforcing the Law of Men, not the Law of God.
This is exactly why there is so much resistance to the spiritual work that I teach. If you want to know whether my work is in alignment with you, you have to ask yourself whether you want to follow the 3 principles of The Prime Law.
On a side note, after doing some research, The Prime Law comes from the Neo-Tech Constitution, which surprisingly (or not surprisingly) enough, has been savagely criticized and attacked from all sides! This happens with any deep truth. Perhaps their pitfall is that they tried to apply it on a governmental level. Trying to establish or enforce The Prime Law violates The Prime Law. It seems to have come from a place of trying to change others instead of trying to change themselves. These are principles to live by on a personal level, as you are the creator of your reality. It is not a distant dream, but a day-to-day practice and philosophy of life.
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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#1 by Anna on June 10, 2015 - 9:56 pm
I’m glad to see these laws mentioned. As a libertarian I already uphold these moral rules, aka non-agression principle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-aggression_principle). You could see among other groups the government as the very embodiment of breaking these rules, since the power of government is defined by several philosophies as the monopoly on the use of violence (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monopoly_on_violence). If states were only to enforce non-initiation, i.e. protect, that would be fine. However, states and the legal system decide arbitrarely what is illegal and what they are allowed to punish you for. So even when you’re not hurting anyone, like for example smoking weed or homeschooling your kid, if your goverment forbids it then they believe they’re allowed demand money from you (fining), or kidnap and lock you up (jail sentence), maybe even shoot you if you resist. By paying taxes, voting or political action we get ourselves involved in this violent system, whether we like to or not. Standing by and living by these principles, and sharing them with as many people as possible, might change things from the bottom up. I don’t believe I have the right to tell others how to live, and I don’t believe others have this right either.
Myself, I’m proponent of either a free, stateless society, or if a state is needed after all, one that is radically different from what we have now. Much can be discussed about how non-agression should be enforced, how to deal with those who transgress, what is appropriate counter force, what entails restitution for harm done, whether intellectual property exists etc. I suggest having a look at libertarian philosophy for discussion of these topics.
These laws seem like the mere minimum for leading a good life. More than doing no harm, doing good is also needed to grow in character and virtue. A difficult topic is that of caring for the needy, like children, the sick, old etc. Goverment now partially deals in securing education, health care, benefits etc., but ideally we find a way to provide for all these good things without needing to initiate violence.
#2 by Etienne Charland on June 11, 2015 - 12:34 am
Excellent points. I will add than you don’t need to wait on any government to design your life the way you want it to be. And if you wait for anyone to change, or any system to change, you’ll slow down your own growth 1000-fold. You’ll evolve MUCH faster by focusing all that energy in designing your own life and evolving as an individual, and by living by example, you’ll have 100x more impact on society.
Furthermore, if you need your environment to be a certain way to be happy, you’ll never find true happiness because it is conditional and dependent on circumstances. Furthermore, although defending yourself when the system oppresses you is permitted under Law #2, trying to change the system violates Law #1. Most people, when they start learning some energy healing, the first thing they do is to try to change and heal others around them. That doesn’t work at all because people don’t want to be changed. They resist change, especially when imposed on them against their will. Trying to change the system gives the exact same result. The only thing I found to work to change others is to disconnect from toxic people, grow tremendous as an individual, and make peace with these people. By my presence, they will either adapt and transform, or flee.
#3 by Barry on June 11, 2015 - 7:25 pm
Anna in her post states the biggest issue…having to be attached to some tribe,ie Libertatian. This idea that you must have a attachment negates the whole idea. Once labeled it is then negated.
One must come to the point of , I am a honest seeker. Polarity is what happens when you claim what tribe,clan you identify with. A statement rings true, “now that you know the truth go and sin no more. Which to me means the truth is changing. So how can you claim to be this or that and it not affect your ability to see or change?
As a former pilot the most profound thought is that there are 360 different points of view to a control tower. We are all flying to the same place but at different points of perspective…but all positions are Right!
We have been had in most respects with the socialization that these “people that have the right connections to get elected” then can become legal criminals violating ever law and moral code. Imposing what pays them the most to control the masses and of course you and I.
Every part of our view on life needs to be re-thought and all need to be accountable not just accounted for.
#4 by Etienne Charland on June 11, 2015 - 8:12 pm
We all have different points of views in life, but there is only one ultimate truth, and for a truth to be ultimate, we cannot be included in it. Thus, anything that includes identification or belonging cannot be an ultimate truth.
The 3 principles mentioned in this article, however, are ultimate truths to align with the Universe. They are the simplest interpretation of the Law of Free Will, which is what the Universe is based upon.
#5 by Anna on June 11, 2015 - 8:31 pm
@Etienne: I agree with what you wrote.
@Barry: I agree that attachment to a group is not necessary. At any rate it should never be a stubborn, dogmatic attachment. As you say the aim is seeking the truth, not belonging to a group. Seeing myself as libertarian is just a loose association for me; for me it means I found interesting points of view and truths in libertarian philosophy. Maybe in the future I’ll let go of that label altogether. Truth as such transcends any particular individual, group or dogma and stands on its own, to be discovered by anyone.
#6 by Etienne Charland on June 11, 2015 - 10:22 pm
Very well said! One thing I’ll add: I often see people find one absolute truth and assume it is “THE” ultimate truth, not realizing it is only one absolute truth amongst many others.
This is the case with The Prime Law. It is an absolute truth that relates to feminine alignment with spirit, and there are many other absolute truths. Masculine laws are just as important as feminine laws. But when it comes to alignment with spirit, this sums it up very well.
#7 by Hameed Khan on June 17, 2015 - 5:22 am
Although I agree on a number of points made by Etienne and Anna my observations are that the problem starts when when one starts to interfere in someone else’s actions. Whether it is the head of a family trying to discourage (sometimes with the use of verbal or physical force) another person in the family from doing something. Or it is a group or government agency trying to use force to prevent someone from doing something. Who is to decide what is right and what is not. A freedom fighter in someones opinion may be a terrorist in someone else’s opinion. Who is to set the values of right and wrong. Second problem is that the dynamics of life are such that what may be unacceptable today may become tomorrows fashion.
On the whole to live a happy life one should not hold rigid views, always be flexible in your opinions and as Dr. Wayne Dyer puts it “be like a willow, that bends in strong winds, and doesn’t break”.
One should live and let live.
#8 by Etienne Charland on June 17, 2015 - 6:03 am
Live and let live is *exactly* what these principles are saying.
#9 by ROBERT MARSEL REID on March 2, 2019 - 9:08 am
My principles is Live and Let Live tattoo. Hope to get some spiritual blessings.