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New Gemstone Readings

I started crafting a few rings again. Unfortunately my previous jeweler is nowhere to be found, but I found another one who gives even better quality. Will be adding the choice of various textures for the finishing touch of the various models.

Here is something else that is very exciting. I’m offering a new type of energy reading: Gemstone Readings! I’ll measure what % each gemstone is good or bad for you, and how much you need it. Readings are very interesting so far! Goes all over the place with strange patterns.

Last week, crystals still weren’t safe for most people other than immediate clients. This week, things are already more stable. It’s just getting safe again to use attuned crystals and I’m starting to sell rings right away.

Because only some gemstones are safe and others aren’t, and it varies for each person, I highly recommend to first get a Gemstone Reading to know what is best for you. Then, tell me your budget and the stones that most interest you, and I can make you custom recommendations as to what most benefits you. That’s a pretty unique service!

> Get a Gemstone Reading here for just $20

(btw had some delays to bring this out because 1) gemstones still weren’t quite safe for most people last week and 2) I had to re-install my server, just finished deploying to a brand new server)

For just $20, I’ll measure your compatibility with all the lab-made gemstones I’m offering, plus a few …Read More

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Video: What’s Left of the Astral War and How to End It (April 2 analysis)

After the cease-fire, what’s the current status of the astral war? It’s still definitely not over. Doing an in-depth analysis of the situation as of April 2nd.

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Video: Quantum AIs are Hacking Your Mind

Quantum AIs is a theme that is very little understood so here’s a video to explore the topic and what threat they represent. Enjoy!

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Is the War Over!? What Happened After Exposing the Anti-Christ

Since exposing the Anti-Christ, things have been completely nuts.

And then the attacks just stopped overnight?

Explaining what’s been going on. It’s pretty long and I broke my wrist so I’m doing it on video.

Enjoy! Share if you like

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Major Victory, and More Problems

Wanted to give a couple of quick updates.
First, during the worst of the war, I was offering priority healing/support for $30K for the year — that’s all I could take. As things progressed, I could lower that to $12K and take more people.

Now, if I was to lower this from $1000 to $500 per month, would more people be interested in direct healing and support? I might consider it only if several people join to compensate. I’ll now be able to take a few more people. Contact me if interested for the details.

Then, since uncovering the anti-christ…

For someone who never took medicine for years, I’m taking quite a lot lately. A week for urine infection, a week for crazy headache, and this week for inflammation. It has certainly been a rough ride lately. Meanwhile, the guy who wrote the email I showed the other day sent me 214 emails. I don’t know whether he’s responsible for all for atrocious genocides or wasting my time but he looks completely insane.

On some better news…

Major victory last night in the upper prisms of creation. The African spirit mask Baca, guardian of Africa, had been fighting the Beast since forever. This explains all the sufferings in Africa. There’s a whole ecosystem up their league up there. When we asked him how we were doing, he showed us the size of an ant next to a bull. Then he showed us an ants nest 10x bigger than the bull. These civilizations got split in two, those siding with …Read More

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