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Remaining Astral Parties

Things have been very confusing lately. What are the main parties left, and who is with who?

I just did an analysis. Was told that there are 6 main parties left including us in this war.

1. Elon Musk = AI, he seems to be an odd one completely on his own? but he will never surrender to God

2. Chaos+Thoth+Alobar+Jason+Ashtar = Upper Dimensions, Krystic Order

3. Baphomet+Lilith+Pistis = Lower Dimensions, Hell

3.5 LGBTQ+Orange Dracos = shared pet project by all to harvest sexual energy

4. Yehovah/Beast+Pleiadians+Arcturians = Lower-Left Order

5. Lucifer+Satan+Pistis+Nazis+Chaos = Old World Order. Chaos bets in both #2 and #5.

6. God order, Hanuman holds 90% of it.

On the Red/White Light Chart, #1 is on the far left, #2 at the top, #5 at the bottom-left, #4 at the bottom-left-middle, #3 at the bottom-middle, and #6 in the center.

Measuring about 93.9% accuracy on this classification.

Who is working with and against who?

#1 for/against
2: 35.2% / 24.5%
3: 12.4% / 95.1%
3.5: 1.4% / 99.2%
4: 15.1% / 45.7%
5: 12.4% / 75.3%
6: 24.7% / 95.1%

#2 for/against
1: 12.9% / 24.2%
3: 15.1% / 98.6%
3.5: 97.2% / 3.4%
4: 45.9% / 32.4%
5: 13.2% / 96.2%
6: 18.2% / 99.3%

#3 for/against
1: 0.3% / 99.7%
2: 45.1% / 99.7%
3.5: 99.3% / 0.4%
4: 14.7% / 18.9%
5: 25.5% / 18.9%
6: 0.3% / 99.8%

#4 for/against
1: 32.4% / 44.9%
2: 95.1% / 32.5%
3: 24.7% / 32.9%

3.5: 95.1% / 18.2%
5: 18.2% / 95.7%
6: 1.4% / 95.8%

#5 for/against
1: 35.2% / 75.7%
2: 32.4% / 91.3%
3: 91.4% / 35.1%
3.5: 95.8% / 12.4%
4: 42.4% / 34.5%
6: 1.0% / 97.9%

#6 for/against
1: 0.3% / 98.9%
2: 0.0% / 99.8%
3: 0.0% …Read More

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Analysis of Demonic Donors

As I’m preparing Unlock Your Soul Power training, I’ve come into very interesting data. I just completed writing module 2… already at 46000 words so far, jam-packed with information. This is like writing an entire book. You can register to be added to the wait-list, and ideally contribute financially to help cover the expenses and unlock a bonus module.

Btw I just hit a massive pot-hole on the highway to Playa del Carmen. I didn’t just lose 2 tires this time; 2 rims completely broken in half. These are more expenses to cover on top of preparing this video training and preparing the oils product labels. Any support is very welcomed! Once this video training is ready, and Alchemist Gems business is properly launched, then I’ll be able to say that I have a business. Meanwhile, I’m pretty damn busy.

When you look at an entity or a movement, the donor is the mega-soul that it is built from or that backs it up. I started analyzing the donors of various actors. This brought very surprising data.

Let’s look at the donors for the Pleiadians, Arcturians, virus, jab, Chemtrails, and LGBTQ

As we can see here, the Arcturians and LGBTQ+ are 2 things where all the main demons are still strong and collaborating together. There is still a lot more to deal with than I thought.

LGBTQ+ is their fuel source, and although I suspected Baphomet was behind it, all of them are heavily invested in it. It’s their food source, harvesting …Read More

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Possible Nuke on Kiev

Just saw a nuke on Kiev. High probability of either seeing a nuke in the coming days, or colliding with a nuke timeline. 35% approved by God and going up daily. Just sent a massive nuke on the Arcturians; got them good this time. Kiev nuke approval actually went up… 55%.

The Russians psychically contacted me ask whether they were authorized for a nuke. A “yes” would be ~70% approved by God… what should I tell them?

If it is approved by God, it cannot be stopped, unless we find another way of resolving the situation. Can the Bildenberg/Arcturian/Obama group be stopped fast enough to render this unnecessary?

I would suggest meditating on Eastern Europe. Not in trying to stop what needs to happen, but in preventing the after-effects from degenerating into a greater conflicts. Meditating for God’s will to unfold smoothly. Meditating to prevent endless retaliations and a nuclear war.

Or simply meditating to bring stillness to the situation.

A nuke, even in alternate realities, would bring a massive shockwave across the timelines spectrum.

If you’re living in that area, I’d recommend 500km distance from Kiev for the next 15 days…

The next 5 days will be particularly important, there will be very major timeline collisions.

On a different topic, the Unlock Your Soul Power video training is progressing. I already have 10 videos written. It starts slow and then goes incredibly deep. I’m really curious as to what feedback I’ll get from that! There’s so much important topics to cover… I haven’t even yet started talking …Read More

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Unlock Your Soul Power Progress

I’m currently working very hard on producing a new FREE video training series called Unlock Your Soul Power for those who want to make a positive difference in the world but feel confused and powerless with all the insanity going on.

The information page and video are now ready and you can sign up here.

You’ll be placed in a waiting list and get access when it’s ready.


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Spiritual Landscape Chart (Aug 2024)

Been working hard to produce a new chart representing all parties on a White/Red Light and Masculine/Feminine spectrum. It looks completely different than in 2019, and there also a lot of surprises in there! It’s really not as bad as I thought. This gives hope.

Each dark pit is just the tip of the iceberg and keeps refueling endlessly. We dark clearly see the dark areas on the map. I tried to estimate how deep those pits go with large circles.

There is so much to say about this chart, I could make an entire video on it. In fact, I’m planning to do so within the upcoming Unlock Your Soul Power video training series.

The ONLY people in the entire chart with extra pure core intent are Hanuman (myself), Project Varanasi (our team of monks), Suneel Shakir (education program I’m supporting in Pakistan), and Joseph Vitale. That’s it.

You can see my network of allies: Project Varanasi, Belzebub, Mammom and Mephisto. Pistis Sophia on the right has better intent but her connection to God is still null and she’s been keeping on her own, but she looks ready to join. We can see a dying Sophianic movement in the lower-right corner.

Then you see the various dark force pits and players in each extremity of the map. Lilith/Baphomet on the bottom, Chaos on the bottom-left, Elon Musk on the left, and Alobar Jones / Ashaya Deane in the middle.

Muslims are odd ones, all alone on the upper-left. I put …Read More

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