Archive for category Conscious Evolution

The End of the War? More threats

Let’s first review some of the major updates I posted lately. The Baal cancer feeding network looks gone. We should be seeing massive health improvements.

Then, Baal the white mage was called Kalleth, a name long forgotten. When he placed the seal, he did not only destroy innocents at the academy. He destroyed all history that preceded it! The destruction we found beneath the seal was impressive.

The meditation we’re using with a lot of success lately is the Final Judgment. It’s like the Needle of God meditation, but it has to be final. There are 6 levels to it. Level 1 is like a potent round into the Needle of God. Level 2 is like a Cease & Desist order from God. Level 3 to 6 are like a death sentence.

It’s easier to face God forward that backwards. I talked to Baal, Pistis and all these other players, and said they’d face the Final Judgment anyway. God is offering mercy if they surrender to it. Most of them took the offer. Baal was surprised I knew about his past, and told me his former name: Kalleth. They faced the Final Judgment voluntarily and avoided death sentence.

Remains the question of what to do with all of their customers on Earth who control the governments and corporations. They also need Final Judgments.

There are more problems though. When I look in the street, people feel a lot more organic than before, but still have 95-99% dark energy! They’re like walking time-bombs with only surface …Read More

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The Origin of Evil

After years of insane battles and digging, we finally found how this whole mess started. We’re dealing with a scheme of planet and universe harvesting at a scale that is beyond infinite. We saw 35 civilizations on Earth disappear before us, but the amount of planets and Universes that disappeared in similar ways is beyond anything you can count. When you get that procedure encoded into an AI that feeds from entire planets and duplicates itself indefinitely, you get proportions beyond imagination. This cancer grew into an infinity of infinities. But how did this mess of unlimited darkness get started?

First, let’s put proper names to things. The witch Mary Magdalene is an aspect of Mephisto, which explains how she was so strong. Buddha is an aspect of Lucifer. Jesus is an aspect of Lucifer with a battery shard of my essence. Lucifer is an extension of Baal. It doesn’t mean their higher selves told the physical vessels everything, but the higher selves definitely knew what they were doing. These prime evils operate via proxies. They avoid revealing themselves directly. Some vessel are conscious, some are semi-conscious and some are non-conscious. Alobar is a conscious Baal vessel.

What % were those Prime Evils in direct or indirect control of those vessels? Magdalene: 100%, Buddha: 95%.

For Jesus, I got into arguments with my friend. Did the Pleiadians engineer him? I get a strong yes on that. He wasn’t on his own with his powers, he had the Pleiadians backing him. Also look at …Read More

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The Timeline Ambush

This month has been absolutely frickin insane. My daughter cannot go to school, my wife had to go travel and could not come back for over a month and I had to pay the hotel the whole time, with no solution in sight. My bank account just got locked (will take a few days to resolve), and a whole bunch of problems are piling up. It’s pretty rough. My team-mate had to rescue me 3 times so far. Very grateful to have him around!!

We got out of a total check-mate, immediately after, Hamas threw 5000 rockets and the Israel war started. What is that all about?

And what is so dangerous that my daughter is warning me about if my wife comes back? She was talking about a full year of crazy hardship.

Now I’m seeing the problem. We got completely ambushed. We completely lost the war in a million different realities and got turned into robots. There’s just this one annoying reality that Lucifer can’t get rid of.

So what did he do? He tried to blew through this reality and cause a merge with a strong enough war impact in Israel. He also created a barrage of really shit realities that we just passed through. He’s throwing shit realities at us one after the other. Just one bad timeline merge could be very serious trouble for a long time.

I saw a giant structure with an infinite amount of cubic realities. Lucifer used that to create experiments and case studies. He can …Read More

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Demonic Pledges and Death Marks

It came to my attention that God has marked those who need to be eliminated. If you look energetically, some people have hellish symbols marked on the forehead, neck or various places of the body.

Those marks represent demonic pledges. Most people have some in various parts of the body. Some can be cleaned. Some are already sentenced to death.

The worst marks are a double-sealed mark on the forehead, solar plexus, or elsewhere on the body. Those double-sealed marks are a death sentence. They can try to hide it but they can’t escape it.

These marks will not automatically kill them, but ensures that they will be on a constant downwards spiral, and God is asking us to accelerate the pace. This will result in gradual extreme hardship leading to inevitable death.

Let’s look at the current hardship level / death toll of the people with a double-sealed mark (sentenced for now) plus those with a strong mark (sentenced for later).

This is important to look at… because last I was checking, only 68% would be dead in 100 years!?? I’m not interested in having an army of zombie immortal cyborgs among our population. These people must be addressed.

First I’ll check % population with strong mark / % population with at least medium mark / % population with at least light mark

Canada: 13.5% / 27.2% / 38.4%
USA: 14.2% / 32.4% / 40.3%
Mexico: 13.4% / 25.7% / 37.2%
England: 14.7% / 32.7% / 41.3%
South Africa: 35.3% / 43.9% / 97.2%
Australia: 35.9% / 47.9% / 69.7%
China: 47.2% …Read More

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The Worst Pandora’s Box

We opened the ultimate Pandora’s Box. After fully clearing Voldamort, Alobar and Pistis Sophia from 99.99% of timelines, there was a paper-thin layer, with destiny-control spheres, bent laws of physics, and all kinds of weird stuff, then… an INFINITY of more crap to deal with. It’s like we were lvl150 in Diablo game; now into a lvl250 area, a 100 lvl jump.

That area seems to belong to the Demi-Urge, he looks like Bin Laden hiding in his bunker. It seems he and his army got locked into those timelines, and everybody died of starvation. There is nothing alive, just endless graveyards. It’s not a pleasant battlefield to fly over.

Let’s see what % energy of these areas come from this Pandora’s Box (energy above / below ground):
– Iran: 35% / 42%
– Irak: 41% / 38%
– Afghanistan: 49% / 43%
– Turkmenistan: 41% / 42%
– Israel: 13% / 44%
– Egypt: 15% / 41%
– Saudi Arabia: 14% / 41%
– Macca: 95% / 94% *****
– Muslims as a whole: 75% / 76%
– Russia: 15% / 13%
– China: 25% / 72%
– Australia: 85% / 86% *****
– South Africa: 84% / 84%
– Venezuela: 83% / 83%
– Canada: 15% / 31%
– USA: 18% / 32%
– Hawaii: 31% / 35%
– Mexico: 31% / 32%
– Tabasco state: 75% / 76%
– Honduras: 75% / 78%
– My wife’s shadow: 75% / 81%
– Voldamort was: 93% / 95%

Basically, the worst insanely bad energetic spots on the planet, with endless destruction and desolation, come from there. Also some highly-sophisticated matrices like Macca and …Read More

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