Posts Tagged starseeds

The Non-Beliefs Religion

Archangel Michael wanted to share this message. There is a great movement of truth that is spreading across the planet. People are waking up to a different truth about what reality truly is.

Among all these truth seekers, there are many who consider themselves non-believers, or anti-stories. They simply do not want to hold any stories or beliefs, and don’t believe there is such a thing as absolute truth. The reason I want to share this message is because this category of people is a major stumbling block in our collective evolution. They are not only hurting themselves but are causing great harm to others and to our collective evolution.

First, what is this idea of non-beliefs? It is a philosophy where nothing is real and everything is subjective. It is a way of transcending the illusions of falsehood. Yet at the same time, it leads one into a life of non-purpose and procrastination. Energetically, it makes one live in a swamp of mist without any hope to build anything into completion.

Which brings us to the greatest problem we face today: we have no spiritually aligned leadership living their higher purpose to replace the corrupt power structures and leaders, and for that reason alone corrupt leaders must be kept in power for now to manage our food supply and ensure the “world keeps turning” so-to-speak, with money, technologies and food. Without leaders, we all collapse into chaos and poverty.

The problem with the philosophy of non-beliefs is that you create through the power …Read More

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Creating Full Alignment Plan B

This message is from Metatron, Senior of the Archangels. The main problem we face today is not the shadow government but, ironically, the current spiritual leadership on Earth. Your spiritual leaders are colliding with the energies of Heaven, alongside all their followers. The Archangels, the Avians, and many other spiritual beings gave repeated opportunities on a silver platter to invite them to step into full alignment. We were faced only with rebuttal, denial and insults.

Because thousands of timelines are merging on a daily basis, we must take control of the collective field of consciousness and time is running out. If we don’t, very nasty surprises may appear into our timeline that can greatly challenge our evolution. For this reason, we have to move to Plan B.

If we can’t get the current spiritual and conscious business leadership to fall into full alignment with God, instead of trying to make God fit within their business and market, then we must cut the flawed roots of the current spiritual leadership so that they step aside and leave space for a new generation of spiritual leaders to emerge. This process has already started and it will intensify over the next 24-48 hours.

One thing we have learned from Etienne is that things work a lot better when we just get things done without seeking approval and without sugar-coating it. All the Archangels and Avians will put a lot less sugar in their communications, even at the risk of sounding crude.

As Etienne pointed out, there is …Read More

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