I just made it to Thailand and found a good apartment for the upcoming event in Bangkok. I visited the condominiums around the city and turns out the price for furnished apartments range between $1100 (for studio) and $5000 (for 4 bedrooms) for a furnished apartment, only with yearly contracts! Someone pointed out that there wasn’t much construction between 1996 and 2007 because of the Asian crisis, so all these big luxurious building towers were built in the last 5 years and are brand new, and are almost all sold out. Other apartments in older buildings range between $200 and $500 per month… and there’s nothing in the $500-$1100 price range!! Turns out the best place was in the building I randomly moved in the first day, as they do daily and monthly rents, in their larger penthouse on the top floor with no neighbors.
Now there’s something I’ve seen happening with several clients and I really want to address. There are some of you who have strong emotional or health issues and are willing to do anything to resolve them. Then, some clients went to see powerful energy healers to resolve that issue, and the problem went away. That’s really great… but it brought them into a passive state of contentment where their current reality is now more comfortable than what they truly want in life.
There are so many people living unfulfilling but tolerable situations. It has become a norm in our society. Quite frankly, I cannot do anything to …Read More