I just had a HUGE breakthrough regarding spirituality and the implications are far-reaching if you want to fulfill your desires into a physical reality. This is a bold sexy promise, and it explains why I and Rion have been getting results totally off the charts while many clients got massive internal transformation without reaping the full external rewards in terms of fulfillment of desires.
Here’s the breakthrough. Contentment Spirituality is about removing pains and desires to reach inner peace and stillness. Dharma Spirituality is about removing fears and limitations to fulfill every desire into a physical reality, including the purpose of helping others grow.
Most of what we’re seeing in the spiritual communities right now is about removing pains and desires to reach inner peace and stillness, which I call Contentment Spirituality. If you’re down that path, you may feel like something is missing. You might feel an urge to play a bigger game.
What we’re bringing is a completely different school of thoughts. It’s not Contentment Spirituality, it’s not Conscious Business and it’s not Self-Growth. That is why anyone already enrolled into any of these schools of thoughts had a hard time relating with the value I was bringing.
We’ve been trying to teach it from the perspective of spirituality and self-growth, which cannot work. You cannot get the full extent of the results until you first enroll into the school of thoughts of Dharma Spirituality. Some clients had a hard time integrating the inner transformation because they ended up lost between the …Read More