Following Part 1 of the Danger of Human Design, I have a few things to add.
There are tons of people who are all about Human Design and who saw great benefits from it. This isn’t about putting down the system, but rather, to understand its weaknesses so that you can transcend them.
First, Human Design originally came from a Satanic Iranian organization, which makes me believe that some of the flaws are intentional. Then, there is a branch of Human Design that redirected the work into a better direction, although it still shares the same roots.
Then, I shared the next point in Part 1: do NOT bind your self-identity to astrology or it locks you in 4D.
Third, Human Design students tends to step more into their strengths to gain momentum. I received a very clear message in this regards: leaning too much into your strengths gets you off your center.
The goal is not to embody your strengths and avoid your weaknesses, but rather, to activate your strengths so that you can use them and become aware of your weaknesses so that you can transcend them.
All of the gates and channels are effects and not the goals.
Fourth, psychically looking at the Human Design aggregate, it brings a 4D Atheist perspective on 10D gene keys. Does Human Design ever mention God?
Fifth… Human Design is rooted in several systems including IChing. The goal of IChing is to resolve all 10D karmic cycles to reach the Dao in the middle. While Daoism understands the surrounding karma very well, it doesn’t understand what’s in the middle once all surrounding karma is resolved. The Dao is missing God from it. They view it as emptiness instead of fullness.
From there, Human Design took the 64 gates of IChing and stripped the Dao out of it. The goal is then to reach your strengths instead of reaching the Dao. There is thus 2 layers of separation from God. Daoism stripped out a layer, and Human Design got rid of the Dao altogether.
There *IS* a lot of value in Human Design. It might also be good to re-introduce those elements into it.
Your task is not to embody your template, but rather, to activate your strengths and transcend your weaknesses so you can get back to your core and reach the Dao/God.
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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#1 by Baptiste on May 21, 2020 - 7:50 am
Hey, I be been living 4 years on the island of ibiza where the human design system has been created ..
The confusion running in the community there because of it, is deep ..
Universal flow brought me the closest student of RA, the creator of this system ..
He explained in detail many things that most human design teacher don t know .. because before dying he sold the system in parts ..
No one else then this person I meet had all the parts of the system ..
He was a strong believer in the system and also of the flat Earth theory ..
The main point is that RA was using lot s of drugs in the time of the discovery .. like you say in your article they was conscious manipulation of the system to create lot s of confusion .. thank you for shining light on the subject .. once we know ourselves fully all those identification loose their value
#2 by Morgan on May 21, 2020 - 1:09 pm
Thanks for all your hard work Etienne. I appreciate you sending me these updates very much. Morgan Chambers ~ Author
That’s a sweet read, I was recently learning of gene keys and human design but going through the thing as I do with most other man written things. Being of life path 55gk, things really made more sense, knowing my phoenix cross 1/4 profile makes sense too, knowing synesthesia and other gates really confirmed other things I had learned, it’s just a tool, and we have so many. But I agree the frequency is incomplete, I do quote things from them at times, and do suggest people know their profiles, and its clarifying for many, again, a tool is a tool is a tool is a tool 🙂 LAVA U
#4 by T on July 15, 2020 - 5:39 am
What do you mean by “Satanic Iranian organization”?
Which organizations of Iran are satanic?
#5 by Jessica Light on July 26, 2020 - 3:14 am
Aloha, I am grateful to have found your insight after looking for such an article via googling for positive/educated criticism on the limitations of Human Design.
I have been working with Human Design for nearing 10 years now, and use it actively with my clients for years now. I was not formally trained, rather have just built up a ton of experience, read so much, and had lots of conversations with trained HD practitioners.
I appreciate the depth of knowledge you share here. I have noticed this for myself:
1 – my clients always prefer it when I take in the HD info… and then transmit my own insights/languaging from it.
2 – so much of the language used in the HD writings is confusing or can have adverse effects if taken too plainly….
3 – some of my favorite applications of HD have been in the BG5 system… which came towards the end of RA’s work… where he did Base Group 5 work with I guess – what is developing a kind of corporate languaging for pentas/Wa in business… something about this work feels definitely different, and interesting in a different way from other HD information
4 – yes, Gene keys definitely vibrates on a different level. I find myself cross-referencing the I-ching gates across both systems often.
I am curious as to how the 88 day before birth (Mercury cycle is 88 days) Design is calculated… and how this impacts/limits the results of the chart.
I have been loving insights from Draconic Astrology… for soul discoveries.. and I am starting to explore Draconic gate activations… and what kind of resultant ‘HD’ or ‘GK’ chart that might create aswell.
Thanks for sharing what you know. It definitely helps. Mahalo from Kauai, Hawaii
#6 by Nolan on April 6, 2021 - 9:10 pm
Im keeping this simple. I have question. In calculating the 88 day “design” aspect of the chart, is it based on the location of birth? If so, what if the mother was traveling at that time?