you can use my affiliate link hereWhat happened with the Global Information Network? It was placed under receivership and controlled by the government, Kevin Trudeau was sent in jail, some people bought the club back from the receiver, and then what? I took a deeper look at it and what came up is very surprising, yet very telling, and there’s a lot we can learn from it. This article will for sure spark a few fires, but I’m not afraid of conflicts. I’m here to speak the truth. Fires warm up my heart.

Many of you already know Kevin Trudeau in some way or another, as he sold millions of books on TV such as The Secret Cure They Don’t Want You to Know About and founded the Global Information Network. He pretends to have taken his knowledge from secret societies among the elite class and was now denouncing their corruption to give people control over their own lives. Some think he was just serving his own interests to make money and lacked integrity, and the fact is that his reputation is mostly destroyed and he’s in jail. The best jail in the country, with a golf course and everything.

I was looking at the club’s official Facebook page and looked at the April GIN Report and upcoming event.

Something just felt “off” so I started doing some energy readings. These are readings similar to what you can get here. Let’s start with facts and then go from there. Here are the Integrity Energy Profiles of a few people. Integrity has 3 dimensions: personal integrity, relational integrity and integrity towards society. Then in this case, it is relevant to look at actual integrity vs projected integrity. This will tell us exactly what the agendas are, and energy doesn’t lie. Afterwards, we’ll draw a few valuable lessons from all this. This article may be long but it’s well worth going through the end.

Energy readings are done according to this formula: Distance @ Density * Purpose. Distance is how far the energy expands, or how conscious and expansive it is. Density, when lower, allows the energy to expand further without being any stronger. Purpose amplifies the energy in a logarithmic way. The further the energy expands, the better. Enlightened would be “extends to the stars @ 100% * 100%”.

Kevin Trudeau’s integrity. He has taken a good lesson from all this and his energy became stronger.
Personal extends to the stars @ 62% * 65%
Relational extends to the stars @ 75% * 92%
Society extends to the stars @ 92% * 92%
Projected integrity. This matches the way many people view him.
Personal extends to the sky @ 15% * 12%
Relational extends 18km @ 12% * 13%
Society extends 12km @ 12% * 15%

Let’s look at the people who purchased the club from the receiver.

Troy McClain‬’s integrity. Something is wrong here.
Personal extends to the sky @ 98% * 13%
Relational extends 12 feet @ 12% * 8%
Society extends 3 inches @ 3% * 1%
Projected integrity. He’s not what he appears to be.
Personal extends to the sky @ 98% * 15%
Relational extends to the sky @ 92% * 68%
Society extends to the cosmos @ 98% * 92%

Chris McGarahan’s integrity.
Personal extends to the sky @ 92% * 98%
Relational extends 15 feet @ 92% * 98%
Society extends 12 feet @ 92% * 98%
Projected integrity. Again, he’s not who he appears to be.
Personal extends to the cosmos @ 92% * 98%
Relational extends to the cosmos @ 95% * 98%
Society extends to the cosmos @ 97% * 98%

Greg Kramer’s integrity. Relational integrity is both very strong and very week, depending on what.
Personal extends to the cosmos @ 92% * 99%
Relational extends to the cosmos @ 3-98% * 92%
Society extends 15 feet @ 92% * 93%
Projected integrity. Again, he’s not who he appears to be.
Personal extends to the stars @ 92% * 95%
Relational extends to the stars @ 95% * 98%
Society extends to the stars @ 92% * 98%

Let’s look at some speakers of the upcoming GIN event.

Aadil Palkhivala’s integrity. Good.
Personal extends to the cosmos @ 95% * 98%
Relational extends to the stars @ 92% * 99%
Society extends to the stars @ 93% * 99%
Projected integrity. Congruent.
Personal extends to the cosmos @ 92% * 95%
Relational extends to the stars @ 92% * 95%
Society extends to the stars @ 92% * 95%

Mary Miller’s integrity. Good.
Personal extends to the stars @ 95% * 98%
Relational extends to the stars @ 92% * 99%
Society extends to the stars @ 99% * 100%
Projected integrity. Congruent.
Personal extends to the stars @ 92% * 99%
Relational extends to the stars @ 95% * 99%
Society extends to the stars @ 99% * 100%

Tom Morter’s integrity. Good.
Personal extends to the stars @ 92% * 98%
Relational extends to the stars @ 93% * 98%
Society extends to the stars @ 92% * 98%
Projected integrity. Congruent.
Personal extends to the stars @ 92% * 93%
Relational extends to the stars @ 88% * 92%
Society extends to the stars @ 92% * 88%

Here’s what this means. Kevin Trudeau, despite having his reputation destroyed, has a very high level of integrity, and raised his standard to unshakable integrity after being thrown in jail, as it could waver before. With the receiver controlling the club, the very people Kevin Trudeau was fighting against were controlling the club he created. These integrity readings mean that the people who bought the club from the receiver are still following the very same agenda as the receiver. The move out of receivership was simply a financial transaction to obfuscate the fact that “they” control the club.

As far as I know, Troy McClain was a close friend of Kevin Trudeau. Unless I’m missing something, Troy literally betrayed Kevin.

The speakers at the events, however, are very solid and have very high levels of integrity. The problem is with the structure of the club and the energy matrix it is creating.

What you might wonder is: why would “they” want to seize control of the club, and what does it change? “They” control the banks, pharmaceuticals, media and pretty much everything else. Their goal is to maintain their power structures. The last thing they wanted to do is to make Kevin Trudeau a martyr, so they had to destroy his reputation. They were successful. If they destroyed the Global Information Network, it would just have resurfaced in ways they cannot control. They have to maintain the club united in order to control and redirect its energy. But redirect towards what?

They have taken a few ingredients out and added a few ingredients to the recipe of success. The upcoming event follows the plans announced by the receiver to transform the events into a Holywood-style money & celebrity show.

Here’s what changed. They have taken out the ingredients of heart and soul. They have added the ingredient of lust. Not in the speakers, but in the structure and energy of the club as a whole. They prevent people from having a soul-driven life by redirecting their energy into a lust-driven life. This detail is HUGE.

Here’s the main problem that led to the downfall of the Global Information Network. There are 3 types of followers: those who want what you have, those who believe what you believe and those who want to be who you are. Kevin Trudeau was followed by 90% who wanted what he had, 9% who believed in what he believed and 1% who wanted to be who he is. When the legal troubles came in, nobody took action except Perry Kiraly who took action to defend the club, and as a second recourse built the World Information Network based on the original vision GIN was created upon. Nobody else applied the training of leadership when it mattered most and took action. Few cared about the vision as they were just in it for their own financial gains.

With all this, what is driving you forward in your life? There are 3 types of fuel sources: pain-driven, lust-driven or soul-driven, with often a mix of those. Which drive do you have?

And finally, when you look at the Global Information Network situation, it really isn’t much different from what happened to religions, and also to Freemasonry. Freemasonry was a positive group whose purpose was the preservation of knowledge throughout history. They got infiltrated at the highest levels by these people to become what it is today. When it comes to religions, the Bible was edited to remove a few ingredients and add a few ingredients. The element that these powers are found within you have been removed. The elements of shame and fearing hell have been added. This is how they have manipulated consciousness throughout history. They infiltrate the organizations spreading the highest levels of knowledge and change the recipes so that it falls in line with their agenda.

Yet, all this has no power whatsoever once exposed to the light.

All this confirms the purpose of the World Information Network, which is not a duplication of the Global Information Network, but rather the resurrection of the original vision built on a strong foundation of heart and integrity.


EDIT: You can listen to Your Wish Is Your Command for free here

GIN is getting back on track, the bad leadership is out, Kevin will be back soon. If you want to join back, you can use my affiliate link here.

Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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