Some great stuff came up after the last article where I asked whether you truly believed the Universe was abundant and unlimited, because if that was the case, you wouldn’t hesitate to pay anyone $20000 to bring you towards your goals, because he couldn’t take anything away from your unlimited supply.
Hands down the most common excuse is simply “I don’t have the money right now”. I personally invested $16000 to be trained directly by David Neagle and I didn’t have the money. In fact, my credit cards were loaded and I had about just enough space to make the monthly payments for two months. I already have my needs covered and have more money sitting in my bank account than I had for a long time.
“Is David Neagle the ‘cartographer’ or money?” That’s a good way to put it.
Where most people get stuck is they say “when I’ll have X amount of money, I’ll do Y”. Money is not a cause, it is a consequence. Y is the cause, X is the consequence. You cannot experience the reality of money if you don’t trigger the cause that will make it happen. That is why walking around and saying “Money comes to me easily all day in every way” doesn’t work. It is not programming your mind to create the cause that allows you to experience the effect. After years, I do not know anybody who has changed their financial story that way. The cause is your actions and decisions. If …Read More