First off, the print version of The History of the Universe has been approved but Amazon needs up to 5 more days to publish it. We’ll just do it at God’s timing. The book The History of the Universe is available as ebook here. I changed the price to the minimum of $2.99 for the first week. Meanwhile, I was interviewed by my good friend Dr. Anastasia Chopelas, the scientific healer (another geek!).

The topic of this interview is making the jump into full alignment and talking about the current events that are happening.

Listen to the interview here! (30 min)

Another interview about the Exo-Political State of the World (2 hours) will be coming out within a few days, and then the print book. You can definitely get the ebook now and then the print book when it becomes available. I’d say the ebook is about 60% of the printed book, as the printed version is a high-vibration technological device with an energetic protection grid, and that glow of light is not so present with the ebook. Either way, it’s coming out, at God’s timing!

Etienne Charland, Emergence Guardian
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