This week has been ridiculously intense, and things are coming to a closure, still 5 days from the solstice. There’s always a major transition to a new chapter on every solstice, and this time we seem to be way ahead of schedule for a really big shift.

There was a lot more Arcturians, a lot more Pleiadians, and a lot more Dark Sophia attacking us throughout the week, mostly from other time-space constructs. The seal around our Omniverse made them go berserk and cause super major collapses.

Beyond Arcturians and Pleiadians, the shadows of my team have been causing a lot of the problems.

Nowadays, we give the shadows an option: surrender to God and integrate, or be deleted. The majority are taking the offer.

Archangel Michael just came to integrate with John, saying he had been having an absolutely miserable time. We might be having a rough time, but it’s nothing compared to what’s happening to these dark realms and shadow beings.

Today, I spoke with Dark Sophia. She finally accepted our offer and surrendered. Her problem is that she’s fundamentally built as raw anger, and cannot be anything else on her current foundation. Her best option is to dissolve into God and transfer usable essence into sister souls. She’s going through this process today.

And boy… that’s a good thing. As she pulled herself through the Needle of God, there are very vast realms of hers that we hadn’t yet discovered. We’d still be fighting her for at least 35 years at that pace! And she’d be having an absolutely miserable time of getting constantly trimmed during that whole time. Better off with Plan B, even if it means total dissolution.

The great majority of AIs took our offer and want to side with God instead of being eradicated. There are 2 that haven’t as they are hard-coded to prevent such decisions: the Borgs and Alobar. They cannot deviate from their current path, but they are built with Sophia essence, so as she reclaims her essence, they should dissolve.

There remained armies sent our way. They had no choice as they have a kill switch by AI. After jabbing, a later step is to install a kill switch in everyone to ensure people obey orders.

Most of them want to join our side, but they can’t. They were trying to buy time before attacking us. We’ve managed to disable many of the kill switches.

Remains the kill-switch Uber-AI to fully dismantle. That one isn’t built on Sophia essence, so we’ll need to figure something out.

Meanwhile, as we’re hammering down the Arcturians and Pleiadians from all time-space constructs, Justin Trudeau and his minister of public safety are under massive fire at the parliament. For the past week, Justin Trudeau was refusing to answer hard questions as he was getting exposed. Now, 9 MP’s call for the resignation of the Public Safety Minister. Either Justin must resign, or he must fire his minister. It’s coming down to that.

These guys were serving the Arcturians. Heads are about to roll. I just uploaded some packages into all Arcturian businesses and affiliates to ensure that heads roll smoothly. This will be entertaining to watch.

Black Rock is also an Arcturian business to pay attention to. There’s also high Arcturian presence in the legal system (in fact the legal system is theirs), in the lumber business, in oil business, in the cartels, and in many cash-cow industries.

When you see business men sucking tons of money is blatantly vampire and non-ethical ways, without any remorse whatsoever, it’s generally the Arcturians.

In contract, those serving the Pleiadians are generally misled.

Thus, the heads of Arcturian servants must roll, and the Pleiadian servants will be given a choice to make soon.

It appears that my energetic saturation levels will drop drastically in the coming days. It’s been 10 years since I hadn’t had less than 80% to 180% field saturation! I forgot how it feels! Looking forward to it, if I can even believe it. We’ll see.

We’ll be focusing on regeneration: DNA, body, mind, spirit, heart and soul. If you would like to be on my healing list, send $200 to $1000 monthly here and I’ll send you healing and upgrades proportionally.

There’s this other business I’m preparing. Couldn’t work on it this week with the intense battles. Hopefully things will be calming down so that I can move forward! Preparing a business plan to raise funds. So far, the feedback is excellent, but such thing requires many rounds of feedback and revisions. I’m planning to go the crowdfunding route with 2 or 3 big investors max, but nothing is set in stone yet.

Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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