Wow. I’m just about to launch the Clean Your Financial Mess video series, and so much is happening around it. From things breaking up in my apartment, to the global central banking system war between IMF and BRICS reaching its tipping point, and now this.

Remember Occupy Wallstreet? A new movement called Wave of Action is being launched to do a follow up. This campaign will include protests and occupations for a full period of 3 months!! With Occupy Wallstreet, there were occupations in 951 cities in 82 countries. This time, organizers say there are 1518 occupations planned worldwide. Interesting enough, the timing fits exactly with the timing of the Clean Your Financial Mess campaign, which is 1 months of free video campaign followed by 2 months of a deeper live group program.

Why are organized actions like this important? Because there is a war for our minds. Governments and medias are investing a LOT to feed us what to think and how to create our own lives. The power we hold with our minds is much greater than you may ever realize, and that is why keeping our minds under control is so important for them. A #WaveOfAction campaign is basically us claiming our own power and freedom of thoughts, and expressing what we think. This carries way more weight than any brainstorming from any media.

Let’s view Clean Your Financial Mess as my contribution to the Wave of Action movement. Things are just aligning themselves that way. …Read More

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