“You Know You Have a Higher Purpose You Are Not Living”

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The Universe’s Map To Financial Abundance – Part 2

In the first part of this article, I covered how you must focus on the cause in order to experience the consequence of money, and how to make decisions from a different place to get different results. Now, let’s look into clarifying many of the beliefs that came up regarding whether the Universe is truly abundant and unlimited.

You could say I don’t fully believe in unlimited abundance from this perspective. My belief is that I will be provided everything I need at any given moment.

This is a universal law I have been studying and it seems to be always the case: if your consciousness level is just above survival level, you will always be provided what you really need when you need it. I have yet to find an exception. You can call it a divine protection of some sort. You can also manifest your wants, and there’s a completely different energy in manifesting your needs vs manifesting your wants. You simply haven’t experienced the latter.

If there is any reason not to believe it AND apply it on our lives, it probably is because we do not know how to navigate inside this Universe. I just need to learn the map so I can navigate myself.

GREAT answer! You need to learn the proper map to be able to make it happen. In order for the map to be of any use, you must also know exactly where you stand on the map, and where you want to go. Otherwise, …Read More

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The Universe’s Map To Financial Abundance – Part 1

Some great stuff came up after the last article where I asked whether you truly believed the Universe was abundant and unlimited, because if that was the case, you wouldn’t hesitate to pay anyone $20000 to bring you towards your goals, because he couldn’t take anything away from your unlimited supply.

Hands down the most common excuse is simply “I don’t have the money right now”. I personally invested $16000 to be trained directly by David Neagle and I didn’t have the money. In fact, my credit cards were loaded and I had about just enough space to make the monthly payments for two months. I already have my needs covered and have more money sitting in my bank account than I had for a long time.

“Is David Neagle the ‘cartographer’ or money?” That’s a good way to put it.

Where most people get stuck is they say “when I’ll have X amount of money, I’ll do Y”. Money is not a cause, it is a consequence. Y is the cause, X is the consequence. You cannot experience the reality of money if you don’t trigger the cause that will make it happen. That is why walking around and saying “Money comes to me easily all day in every way” doesn’t work. It is not programming your mind to create the cause that allows you to experience the effect. After years, I do not know anybody who has changed their financial story that way. The cause is your actions and decisions. If …Read More

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The Top Seven Mistakes Keeping You Broke

Would you like to live an abundant life in all areas? Including financially? Whether you like it or not, money is one of the most important things in life. Almost all of your decisions are based on money. You need money to buy food; and even if you grow your own food, you need money to buy seeds and to buy the land. Yet, 95% of the world population earns below $100k per year. The reason the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer is because our thoughts are manifesting faster than ever before. Here are the top 7 mistakes that keep most people broke.

1. Delaying your life.
Most people do a job that doesn’t fulfill them and dream about doing something else someday. There is nothing worse than a tolerable but unfulfilling situation because it doesn’t force change and someone can remain in that zone his entire life. Ask yourself this. If you lived in a perfect world and there were no limitations whatsoever, how would you see your life in five years? What would you do with your time and energy to earn money? What’s preventing you from making it a reality now? Focus on that. Your heart knows what’s best for you. Don’t doubt or delay what your heart is telling you. Make the decision to thrust your heart and start believing in yourself. You can do what you love and be well compensated for it.

2. Budgeting your dreams.
Most people have goals and …Read More

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