After the article about The Mystery of Sexual Polarity, I wondered about what would be good models of masculine/feminine physical/emotional/spiritual energies. I posted a comment in that article with great models of videos with enlightened Feminine Physical, Feminine Emotional and Feminine Spiritual energies to clearly distinguish the difference.

Then I wondered… what would be great examples of masculine energy? For Masculine Physical, Terry Tate and the Techno Viking will do it. But quite frankly… I can’t think of any models of enlightened Masculine Emotional! Even the most powerful men I know are limited in that area. J Jetrin has his Masculine Emotinal extending to the cosmos, and his Feminine Emotional is just as strong; not going all the way to the stars yet. Rion Freeberg can peak up to that level but very inconsistently, it’s on and off.

As for Masculine Spiritual, the only models I can think of are me and my Alchemy teacher Jacques Tombazian. He’s not the best model to understand polarities since his energy field is clean and doesn’t have any contrasts! So… why not produce a video with clear spiritual masculine energy?

Here we go: How to Overcome Procrastination with Energy Healing!


Etienne Charland, Emergence Guardian
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